Charting the Course: Survival Guide for Muslim Youth

Muslim youth leave ISNA Convention enlightened and energized

By MYNA Staff

Nov/Dec 2023

“MYNA is the place to be.”

This was the consensus of thousands of people set on making it inside the MYNA lecture hall throughout the ISNA Convention weekend.

On September 1st, MYNA youth opened the doors of their lecture hall to kick off the 39th annual convention. Throughout the evening, people peeked through the doors and were drawn into the sessions, taking their seats with people from every corner of the continent.

The biggest risk in facing the world as a Muslim youth is getting lost. 

When you need help, who are you asking? 

When you need a role model, who are you looking at? 

When you are lost, which path do you follow? 

The beauty of our deen is that we have been given answers to all these questions. In a world where it is so easy to get lost, it is important that we stick to Divine guidance. Throughout the weekend, the MYNA track focused on “Charting the Course” and walking through a survival guide for muslim youth. The weekend was designed as a comprehensive “Survival Guide” to equip young Muslims with the knowledge, skills, and support needed to thrive in their faith and identity.

MYNA youth planned out an engaging weekend with lectures, workshops, and activities. While the sessions were targeted specifically towards youth, they attracted everyone including young children and adult attendees, all racing to get seats in the MYNA sessions. There were various thought provoking topics, including Learning from “Their Legacy: The First Believers” and “God, Are You There?”. The MYNA hall quickly filled up and lines began forming outside the doors filled with people waiting to get into the MYNA sessions. MYNA was joined by a wide range of speakers, including Dr. Yasir Qadhi, Imam Mohamed Magid, Dr. Rania Awaad, and countless others.

Many people were learning about MYNA for the first time during the convention, and were pleasantly surprised to learn that every part of the youth sessions was planned and facilitated by youth from all over the country. As youth entered the MYNA Zone on the second floor, they were welcomed into an environment where they were surrounded by their peers–Muslim youth, all experiencing similar things and facing similar struggles. After experiencing the convention, countless youth were inspired to get involved with MYNA and continue to stay connected with their newfound community.

The convention was a resounding success, leaving attendees equipped with invaluable tools to navigate the complexities of adolescence while remaining steadfast in their faith. The event served as a beacon of hope, uniting youth from diverse backgrounds under the common banner of Islam. It is anticipated that the knowledge and connections forged during this convention will serve as a guiding light for Muslim youth on their journeys of faith and self-discovery.

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