Can India Hold Kashmir at Gunpoint Forever?

Indian Authorities Target Journalists, Academics and More

Ramadan in Malaysia 

A Unique Experience for a Muslim-American Tourist

When Will the Real Syria Return?

The Syria That I Knew No longer Exists

Disintegration of the Swedish Model

A Beacon of Social Democracy’s Slow Swing Toward Ethnonationalism

Genetic Research Disproves Hindutva’s Asserted Indian Origin of the Aryans

Where Did the Aryans Come From?

Relief to Gaza

North American Organizations Deliver Aid in Palestine

The Mythical Ayodhya Mandir

The Symbol of Hindutva Terrorism

Kashmir: Genocide as a Process, not a Single Event 

What Needs to Happen in Kashmir Before it’s Taken Seriously?

Stealing from the Saracens: How Islamic Architecture Shaped Europe

In Conversation with Author Diana Darke

The Cry of the Olive Trees 

Environmental Ecocide in Palestine