Community Bulletin: Leaders & Achievers for March/April 2023

Longest-Serving Muslim Mayor Continues & MORE!

Community Bulletin: Leaders & Achievers for January/February

Community news, awards, and high achievers

A Heirloom Jewelry that Represents the Beauty of Marriage

Seven tips to a happy relationship

A Voice of Reason for Palestinians

Since the horrors of 1948, the Quakers have sought justice for Palestinians

Managing Muslim Cultures and Identities as an African American

We must move beyond binary categorizations

In Memoriam: Shaikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi 

Shaikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, who died in Qatar, was a giant among contemporary Islamic scholars.

The CuRe: Understanding Culture and Religion

On entering the “MYNA Zone” at the ISNA convention you could tell something was different.

Developing the Khalifa’s Role 

The program provides Quranic strategies and tools for presenting STEM and STEAM instruction.

Things Happen When Neighbors Care

A persistence borne at childhood leads to success in public service.

Healing from Abuse

A rape victim relates her first-person account and her healing.