Growing Food that Feeds the Body and Soul

The best way to ensure that our family was eating tayyab (pure), was to grow it…

Back at School

My first year in high school was online last year, and surprisingly it wasn’t as bad…

Greening Our Ramadan

Ramadan presents the perfect opportunity to recharge our spiritual batteries by seeking forgiveness for our shortcomings…

Resiliency, Hope and Faith

The West Coast ISNA Education Forum (WCIEF) held its second virtual forum.

Opinion: Politicians Have No Interest In Checking Islamophobia

While politicians refrain from uttering anti-Jewish diatribes, no such restraint is exercised for Islam and Muslims.

The Tentacles of Islamophobia Worm Their Way Into Minds

What about the practitioners of certain religions who continue to endure discrimination within various public and…

CISNA’s Presence on the Federal Level Continues to Grow

The Council of Islamic Schools in North America is the world’s largest and only member-based Islamic…

What Would You Do With $105,865,763?

These organizations are part of what CAIR identifies as the country’s Islamophobia Network, a web of…

Mosque Board Financial Literacy Matters

An often-overlooked aspect of Islamic centers’ governance is their board members’ financial literacy.

In the Footsteps of the First Muhajirun

Three historic mosques in the Horn of Africa chart the path of the first group of…