Muslim Canada: New Radio Station Reaches Muslim Hearts

Halifax Muslims Fulfill Longstanding Aspiration

By Imam Abdallah Yousri

Sep/Oct 2024

The idea of establishing an Islamic radio station has been an aspiration for more than 10 years within the Halifax Muslim community. Earlier attempts to bring this vision to life didn’t materialize for various reasons. But despite these setbacks, the community’s determination and persistence never waned. 

The Covid-19 pandemic, which led to the mosque being shut down for weeks, was a turning point. The lockdown ignited individual members’ renewed determination to make the radio station a reality, highlighting the need for a continuous connection with the community even in times of physical separation. After two years of dedicated planning and effort, the dream has finally been realized. Broadcasting from a small room of the Ummah Mosque, its impact reaches far beyond its modest origins.

The team at Ummah Society in Halifax achieved a significant milestone by launching One Ummah 107.5 FM, Canada’s first Islamic FM radio station. The broadcasts, which started at the beginning of Ramadan 2022, marked a pivotal moment for local Muslims, not just as a means for religious programs, but also as a bridge-building tool fostering deeper connections and unity with everyone in the community and beyond. The inspiration behind the initiative was the hadith:

Prophet Muhammad (salla Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said, “Whoever introduces a good practice in Islam, there is for him [and her] its reward and the reward of those who act upon it after him without anything being diminished from their rewards until the Day of Judgment” (Reported by al-Nisa’i in “al-Mujtaba: Kitab al-Zakat, Bab al-Tahred ‘ala al-Sadaqah”).

The response has been overwhelmingly supportive. Many have expressed their gratitude for the station and their interest to get involved, stressing how it helps them feel more connected to their faith and the broader Muslim community. The ability to tune in from home has been especially beneficial for those who cannot attend the mosque regularly due to health, work or other commitments.

Milestone Moments

Two particularly memorable moments stand out in the station’s journey. First, the unforgettable feeling of hearing the Quran broadcast for the first time while driving through the small city of Halifax. This powerful moment filled my heart and the hearts of many other Muslims, and naturally those who worked on the project, with immense pride and joy. Many took videos of themselves capturing this historic experience, sharing their excitement and gratitude.

Second, installing the antenna on top of the Ummah Mosque’s minaret — Nova Scotia’s first minaret. Youth and community members gathered to witness and capture this significant event, celebrating not just an achievement, but also a profound cultural and religious milestone.

Initially operating solely during Ramadan, the radio station served as a vital tool for local Muslims — they could hear the adhan live in their cars and homes, connecting them with the mosque during iftar and allowing them to listen to traditional Ramadan nasheeds. Plans are underway to expand its operation to a 24/7 schedule by 2025, with a dedicated team to oversee this initiative.

The station’s programs are being planned to meet our diverse audience’s needs, such as offering content in multiple languages. In addition to religious content, One Ummah Radio also serves as a platform for cultural exchange and education. The goal is to educate both Muslims and non-Muslims about Islam and Muslims’ contributions to Nova Scotia and beyond. By doing so, the station plays a crucial role in promoting understanding and harmony.

The station also has plans to expand its reach by developing a dedicated mobile app, which will make it even easier for listeners to tune in from anywhere. These technological advancements ensure that One Ummah Radio remains accessible and relevant in an increasingly digital world.

The station’s journey has just begun, but its potential to enrich the spiritual and communal life of Halifax’s Muslims is immense. As it grows, it promises to become a central fixture in the community’s daily lives, fostering a stronger, more connected and informed community.

We hope that the One Ummah FM radio channel inspires many other Canadian communities to follow our example.

Abdallah Yousri is Imam & executive director of Ummah Society, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

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